Purina’s Wind and Rain All Season minerals have been specifically designed to include multiple nutritional formulations to meet cattle need regardless of forage quality.
Purina’s Wind and Rain High Magnesium minerals are designed to provide readily available formulations that cattle will eat prior to seasonal grass tetany concerns. Purina’s Wind and Rain formulations help ensure more consistent intake and adequate levels of available magnesium.
Purina’s Wind and Rain Fescue minerals are designed to address special mineral deficiencies associated with fescue. Purina’s Wind and Rain formulations provide more consistent intake based on forage quality changes through the season.
Purina’s Wind and Rain Fly Control minerals are designed to reduce fly populations. Flies cause significant discomfort for cattle. As part of an integrated fly control program, Purina’s Wind and Rain with Altosid (MTH), helps restore cattle comfort while reducing factors that cause poor performance, and decreased grazing time.
Great Fluffy Bedding for Horses and other animals! Premium Quality Pure Pine LARGE size flakes for maximum cushioning and great absorbency. Fresh natural pine scent. ULTRA compressed bale Expands to a full 10 CubFeet!
Pine shavings for bedding horses and other animals. IMPROVED MINI FLAKE SIZE- EASIER TO SIFT & PICK - reducing stall maintenance time and waste. ULTRA compressed bale expands to 8 Cubic Feet!
G.McFeeters, manufacturer of Premium horse and livestock bedding materials. Our superior grade wood shavings are formulated and blended in the correct ratios of fines and flakes. G.McFeeters softwood pellets are the most absorbent product on the market and virtually dust free! Your best source for wood shavings.